Many young adults in Seattle are passionate about sustainability, but have difficulty getting involved. Working with a Project Manager and 2 Developers, I designed a web app called Demeter, a social platform to facilitate local sustainability efforts.
Daniel Lin - UX Designer
Ash Shah - Developer
Sierra McKissick - Developer
Kristina Te - Project Manager
1 week - Design
7 weeks - Development
Google Docs
First, we conducted a survey with young adults in Seattle, WA and found found a pessimistic outlook among respondents about the environment.
When asked the reasoning behind these attitudes, interviewees cited the lack of concrete actions they could take in spite of growing concerns of climate change.
In Seattle, we conducted a survey with 34 respondents regarding their sustainable practices.
Sustainability is an inaccessible field with challenges which require expert knowledge. To increase environmental activism, we needed to focus our solution on practical and accessible environmental activities for everyday citizens.
I developed a storyboard of our first solution concept, an app which mobilizes individuals and their friends to work on local environmental projects hosted by event organizers.
Now that I'd developed a user flow for our solution, I further elaborated our product by fleshing out interactions. I made concept sketches of a newsfeed containing sustainability tips and activities.
I developed the basic structure of our web app by creating digital wireframes.
I developed a design system which evoked earthly, elegant, artisanal tones.
Before handing off my design specifications to developers, I implemented my design system and reduced the scope of the design to meet development and time constraints. Features such as social features and rewards became stretch goals.
This project taught me how to work on a cross functional team with limited time and development resources. This project showed me how integral designers are to development, as they have to make compromises, maintaining a feasible scope while advocating for their users. This project also revealed that some design specifications need to be clarified during development, because they were too big in scope or were not specified.